Any MC Hammer fan will truly enjoy this video. ” Katrina Fields| 5 reviewers made a similar statement “ So pop this DVD into your player and get down and funky because it's Hammer Time! ” andy8047| 3 reviewers made a similar statement “ All of MC Hammer's most exciting videos are featured and the sound quality is excellent! ” T. Lewis| 2 reviewers made a similar statement recentley got this DVD, and to say the least, I was Impressed. This DVD will remind everyone how great the Hammer really was. 15 Classic music videos are on this DVD, all with crisp sound and video we've come to expect from DVD. MC Hammer's intriguing lyrics and mesmerizing dance moves keep you glued to the screen. This DVD also includes an "Making of Please, Hammer, Don't Hurt 'Em", a great behind the scenes look at how the classic album was made. This DVD is full of energy some of today's rap stars lack. I would definitely recommend this to any fan of MC Hammer.
MC Hammer: 2 Legit -DVD